Friday, July 2, 2010

Good Bye Friend

It has been a long time since I have writen about life. Today I lost my best friend. No not literally, but she might as well be lost. She moved 6 and 1/2 hours away. I am happy for her because I know she needs a fresh start, we all do sometimes, but I am really going to miss her. My kids will miss her and her kids. The neighborhood wont be the same without her. So to Roslyn, You have been an awesome friend. We have shared just about everything from tears, to coffee, to a motel room! LOL You sneezed in my face! haha I will really miss having your shoulder to cry on, your understanding nature to lean on, and all the great times we just acted a fool and had fun. Thanks for making the last few months in VA tolerable. I will think about you everytime I pour a cup of coffee or stand up to bat. Good luck in your life my friend, I wish you and your family all the best in life.